Sunday, February 14, 2010

SC Snowstorm Brings Valentines

Here is a Nana's eye view of my two Grandies who were here for the fabulous February snowstorm of 2010. Todd, Rose and the kids arrived at 6PM Friday just as the snow started here. By bedtime there was a hefty white blanket covering every thing and more coming down. We sat by the breakfast room window playing Scrabble and looking out the huge sliding glass door "window" as the courtyard filled up with snow. It was a Hallmark scene inside and out. I couldn't have been happier to have part of my family with me for this winter wonderland.
Of course as soon as we could eat breakfast we were out in it. I don't know who was more anxious to get or the kids! We did throw snowballs at each other and attempt a snowman. Mostly we ooohed and ahhhed over how beautiful it was.
By five o'clock it was gone with the sun! The perfect snow didn't outwear it's welcome :)

I am SURE all you faithful readers remember my Valentine's post from last year. Sad to say this 65 year old grown woman whined a lot about not getting a valentine from her children or grandchildren. Well, they got the message and remembered it big time this year. Now the flowers and the brown box of truffles are from hubs but the rest are from family. I feel very loved this year.....thank you family for taking the time to honor your childish old Mom. I really do appreciate your humoring me.

This little darling, Caitlin, went above and beyond the call of duty. She made us a card AND this wonderful Handmade box of candy and treasures! For those who don't know....I am THE PJ QUEEN.....who established Pajama Day as a day of rest for women. No makeup, stay in your pj's and treat yourself right!
Hubs is the King Cook! That man can mess with those pots and pan. There is nothing he can't make and nothing he makes doesn't make you want to slap your Mama!

Sadly, I made the Valentines for our Children and Grands. He bought the one for his Mom and picked up some to send to friends we thought might be forgotten and need a lift. But I did not make or buy one for him. I know.....a thousand lashes with a wet noodle as he would say. I did cook him a hamburger for lunch Friday.....and tell him how wonderful he is.....but no tangible gift did I give him. And he said it didn't matter.
So here it is for him and all the world to see:
Honey, you are the best husband a girl could have;
We have so much fun together....
I love it when you ride around me on your pretend horse
And make silly faces in the mirror that make us both laugh
And hold me in your lap although I am Not light as a million feathers
And dry my tears.....And pray for me.....
You are My Knight In Shining Armor, Curtis,
And I will Always Love You!
Mother Teresa/ Pussycat/ Doodle Snoop/ Nancy Neat
Duchess of Hazard/ Mom Dog/Donna/ Nana
Your Wife/ Me!

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