Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Praise God!

Let's start off today with two praises.  First, Aunt Niki has a temporary job as a social worker at Medford Nursing home in Darlington.  Let's each pray for her as often as we can.  It is tough to start a new job.  There are new rules to learn; people to meet and get along with.  God can help her with that. This job is temporary because she is covering for a woman on maternity leave....let's continue to pray for a permanent job for her and Uncle Wayne.

Praise Two:  Hannah got a scholarship to her school, The King's Academy.  I am thanking God that she will not have to change schools.

Our Bible study today is Acts 14.  Our friends Paul and Barnabas have entered another city, Iconium.  Things went well there at first; Jews and Gentiles (non-Jews) came to faith in God but then the non-believers poisoned their minds and turned them against Paul and Barnabas who were forced to flee the city.

Maybe you have been in a situation were things seemed to be going well at first but then went sour.  Don't think God has left you; God was definitely with Paul and Barnabas but they still had enemies. 

Do what they did; continue to live a Godly life in front of your enemies and ask God to defend you.

Lord, I pray for Michael, Hannah, Connor, Caitlin, Megan and Gates.  Bless them, protect them, and encourage them to be witnesses for you by their lives and their words.  Amen

'Till tomorrow,

PS....Bookmark this site so you can go right to it each day!

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