These are the pillowcase I made for my Sunday School class to paint Bible Verses on.
These are two tiny baskets I made in my hand piecing class at Quilt Retreat.
This is the baby quilt I made for a former student who is adopting and choose orange and green for the nursery.
This is the beginning of my Halloween tree. Grandie, Caitlin, and I made enough while she was here to fill a tree for her house and mine. Bought the wool and got the idea from Kathy Gainey who taught a wool applique class at retreat. She hand dyes all the wool she sells. Her mission is to bring wool applique to South Carolina.....a state so hot we hardly know what wool is used for. (crafting, heh, heh!)
The back of the quilt I made for our quilt guild's charity quilts. This year our charity is the Billie Hardee Home for Boys. Each boy will get a quilt for Christmas.
I bought gently used men's shirts at the Salvation Army for the "masculine" fabrics in my quilt. Some quilters recycle.
And that is some of what I have been up to along with learning how to download podcasts on my I Pod. The radio station I listen to while I sew dropped my two favorite programs! I was vaclempt. But I already had an I Pod I just didn't know how to subscribe to the podcasts and get them downloaded on a daily basis. I actually managed to get a couple before Smart Son In Law, Marty, came last Friday and figured out the other details (like how to delete, sync, etc......) . Now I am a happy radio listener again or rather podcast listener.
If you have never listened to these programs, you can listen on your computer to: Chris Fabry Live and Midday Connection. They are both excellent and remind me daily what the Christian life is about and we are not of this world (which seems to be going downhill fast).
Oh and one more bit of trivia. Faithful readers I apologize for the rant on no comments last week. Later I discovered why I wasn't getting any comments. I had put them on blog owner approval so I wouldn't miss any comments on earlier blogs.....well Ethel (me) didn't realize you still have to go to the blog account page to read them :( When I discovered that; there were your comments! Please excuse my stupidity but don't stop commenting. I need your feedback to soldier on!
TKS.....Love Ya!
I'm so amazed at your quilting talent! How long does it take you to make one? Do you take special orders? I am going to commission a quilt one of these days!
Why did the radio station quit carrying Chris Fabry and Midday Connection? I rarely listen to that station, but when I do it's only to listen to those two shows!
It only took me about four days to make that crib size quilt. I would be happy to make a quilt for you, price depends on cost of fabric and complexity of design.
Come over one day and look at my pattern books (or I can leave them for you in our SS room) and we'll pick our fabric and estimate cost. I'm not interested in doing this for the public but will do it for someone I love... YOU!
I did contact the radio station and had an email conversation with the station owner/manager. He never gave me a straight answer...Moody doesn't charge stations to air their programs so it wasn't a money issue. Go figure.
Can hardly wait to take a Quilt/Craft tour of all your projects since last visit to H'ville!!!
I just love the orange and green quilt. I especially love the quilt that is being donated to the Boys Home and the encouraging message that the boy who receives this quilt will sleep under.
I am always amazed at how many quilts you craft.
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