Saturday, January 1, 2011


 Number One Son, Todd, and family came home for the holidays Thursday.

One of the things our whole family like to do is play Scrabble.  So here we are at one of our nightly Scrabble games.  Daughter-in-law Rose won every night! 

One thing I didn't get a picture of was Todd coaching Rose with her Medical Assistant Studies.  She is in school and had to get back to studying after the nice Christmas break.  I am really proud of both of them.  It is hard to go back to school in your forties and it is wonderful if your spouse gives you lots of support.
Megan got in the dress up cabinet and fashioned this outfit for herself.  The orange scarf is for Clemson even though they lost their bowl game.
Rose is good at computer games.  I think she was the first pioneer in Frontier Land.                                        

 Todd likes to do Crossword puzzles
 like I do.  Here he is checking out
a word in the Million Word Dictionary.

Megan wanted to sew so we cooked up a pattern
            and she did ALL the sewing to produce this pillow.

And now for the H not that.....Happy as in Happy New Year to You!


Anonymous said...

The Million Word Dictionary? I like the sound of that! That pillow that you and Megan created is so beautiful. Glad you had a good time with family!

Ashli said...

Looks like lots of fun to bring in the New Year!