(This picture is out of order. The last time I tried to move it it went into cyber space and I had to start over.) Another thing they still like to do is play games.
Megan and I had a hard fought game of checkers. We started this game of Scrabble and Michael came and we started over with him. Megan was the scorekeeper which was a good way for her to practice her math. Being a grandmother/teacher I have to guard against making every thing a lesson but I am thrilled when some skills are involved in our games. She used the dictionary a lot during our Scrabble game. She found two or three words I really didn't think were words. It was a good thing she did look them up!
I hope you get to spend some time with the people you heart :)
Happy Valentine's day Donnamo and DonnaCurtis!
So glad you got to have a fun time with the grandies.
I had a wonderful weekend with my little fam of four (six if you count the hounds), and that was present enough with awesome weather for getting out and going to the park, we did that both days!
Hope you have a great day!
I am going to try to not have chocolate, let's see how that goes!
I would like to place an order for those cookies please!
Sounds like you had a fun weekend. I'm curious---What were the words Megan looked up for Scrabble?
See how hard it is to blog and work? Where are you Donnamo?
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