Yesterday I got the itch to make my first ever pound cake. When I was at my college friend's house she served this recipe and it was so good I decided to try making it.
The lady on the left, my mother-in-love, is a renowned cake maker so I have never needed to do much in the way of making cakes.
We celebrated my son-in-love's birthday with his favorite cake.....Better Than Sex. The grandies were quite scandalized by the name.
Here is my latest list of book suggestions:
The Wedding Dress by Virginia Ellis.... a Civil War novel.
The Pastor by Eugene Peterson an autobiography by the man who wrote The Message and was a pastor for 27 years.
Major Pettigrew's Last Stand by Helen Simonson... Fiction set in modern day England.
A Passion for Souls by Lyle Dorsett, Biography of D. L. Moody
What have you been reading?
Pound cake happens to be one of my specialties. I made one for George and his brother for their birthdays last week.
Who made the Better-Than-*** cake? Really! Some people are so scandalous! LOL
I am currently just reading the Bible. Was disappointed with a book I got from the library that I've been waiting forever to read. I gave up when it still stunk after 53 pages!
Wow, good baking skillz Mom!Only reading a book called Paul, devotional.
Keep baking!
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