Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Sky is Falling....or at least blowing away.

Yesterday morning I got a call from my youngest grandchild, Gates.  "Nana, you want to go see the Chicken Little Play with me, then we go to your house and play on Dead Man's Hill.  What do you think I said?  "ABSOLUTELY!"  Here are a few of the characters...Ducky Lucky, the Queen and Chicken Little....who kept insisting he was a Chicken Hawk not a Chicken.  They were all wonderful and I so wanted to be up on stage in one of those great costumes!
I went by my son's office on the way to pick up Gates.  Wayne recently moved into a "new office" in an old building and had this great mural painted on one wall.  It has things of significance to the boys home and his life.  You can easily see Gates in his Carolina football gear and Hannah in her cheerleading outfit.  I just realized she is holding Curious George.....who was Wayne's favorite book character and stuffed animal.

Several years ago I made this wall art for Wayne.  The heart is made up of buttons and ephemera from our family.  The buttons came from my Mom's button box.  The words you can't read are character traits Wayne possesses written in beads.

It was a very windy March Wednesday yesterday and Gates an I stayed out ALL day.  We flew a kite I had stashed away ....... Mental note....go to a big open field next trees around :)


linpoq said...

Boy, I really miss those school plays and dress up character days!!

Anonymous said...

What a fun post! Love the mural and the artwork in Wayne's office. So nice to work in an environment that's pleasing to the eye.