Monday, May 16, 2011

Sallie's Mountain Garden

 Hubs and I went up to Meadows of Dan (Don't you Love that name?) Virginia for the weekend to visit our friends Sallie and Andy Macauley.  Sallie's garden was in full bloom with the lushness that comes from lots of rain.  The statue is of St. Fiacre, ( the patron saint of gardeners.  He has really done his job with this garden.

 The plant by the faucet is a rhododendron; this pic does not do its lovely pastel colors justice.  The native rhododendron were also in bloom on the mountain sides...gorgeous!
Sallie was a garden designer here in Hartsville; in fact my English garden was the first garden she designed.  These plants look so lovely with the gravel and rocks.

We went to a chili cook off and mountain music sing while there as well as schlepped around  a quaint mountain town  (Floyd, Va that has become an artist's colony of sorts.  Also visited Salem United Methodist Church which was built from a single poplar tree before the Civil War. The tree was given by a member of the RJ Reynolds family before they made their millions in tobacco and moved to Winston-Salem.


Atir said...

Kudos to Sallie, I remember when there was just rocky mountain soil, it looks just beautiful.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful landscaping! I can tell a lot of love and hard work has gone into that garden. I'm not very good at gardening. As a matter of fact, I don't plant anything in the ground. I just stick it in a pot and pray it lives!

Ashli said...

What a gorgeous garden. I wish I could have a garden with all the beauty and none of the work.