Those are such great succinct words; that will resonate forever in most of our minds.
It came to mind as soon as I saw this graphic on Laura Frantz's blog.
For Father's Day weekend, son Todd and fam came for the weekend. Dad Dog took Michael to Four Hole Fishing on Saturday. They each caught a bunch of fish....ream, red breast, war mouth, mud fish, catfish.
Four Hole is a lake in southern South Carolina. Hub's grandfather bought one of the lakes and now C's cousin David owns it. Hubs has been wanting to go fishing there, "one last time" for a couple of years.
A month or so ago the planets aligned and he was able to by an aluminum Jon boat and trailer for $100. Two weeks ago he made his first trip....and loved every minute of it. His granddad used to pay an old black man to take him (the FIRST grandchild on either side of the family) fishing in Four Hole almost every day. So now the fourth generation is fishing in those murky swamp waters :)
<iframe width="640" height="510" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/eAtcoMUKfaQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>iframe>
Enjoy this trip to Four Hole!
Kind of scary with the gator, but definitely pretty serene looking.
I am so glad they caught some fish!
What is it about men and fishing? LOL! I admit it can be serene and peaceful and lots of fun, but I always have to take a book along!
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