Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Celebration Countdown

This Friday, October 14, is my 68th Birthday.  Hubs and I are headed Nawth for my 50th High School Reunion to be held the next night at Columbia Country Club (aka High Cotton).
In honor of these events I decided to polish my shoes.  These are not my dancing shoes for the dinner/dance those will be gold sandals :)  Do you or anyone in your family polish shoes any more? I thought not.  My shoe shine kit was inherited from my father who was an impeccable dresser...his shoes were shined and as long as I lived at home he shined mine every Saturday night.  I did shine my weejuns in college but I can't remember when I last shined a pair.  Hubs occasionally shines his.

 Our quilt guild had its annual auction last week and I bought myself a birthday present....this darling doll who looks like my husband.  He is even reading the Major League Ball Scores in the newspaper he is holding.  Actually my husband spends hours reading blogs about The Atlanta Braves...in the Atlanta Constitution bc our paper doesn't carry nearly enough info. I smile every time I look at Papa Pootsie :)
Yesterday, "birthday week" officially began.  Granny took me shopping for my birthday present.  You know you are old when you choose a new pair of slippers and a new mattress pad for your gift.
Today, Hubs made my Birthday Mud Pie...as you can see I have already had one piece....Yummo.

I don't know what else is in store but I do know he is making the apple caramel bundt cake that was on the cover of Southern Living last month.  We are taking it with us Friday on our trip to California.  Actually, we are going to California, Maryland to stay with my high school biology partner and her husband.  Kathy and Bill have remained great friends and we can't wait to catch up.  Bill is even taking Hubs to a Redskins game on Sunday.  Kathy and I have some other plans....but I do feel a little sad to miss the Skins.  My Uncle and Cousin played in the Redskins band when I was growing up and the team often came to our house after the game.  I can still sing the Redskins fight song!

All in all I should have lots to report when I return home.  So how do you like to celebrate your b'day?


Atir said...

Happy Birthday.
Re the mattress pad, at least it wasnt the other kind of pads necessary at this stage of life.
I remember polishing my sneakers with white polish and then I remember thinking it was really ridiculous and gave up polishing shoes and ironing sheets.


Ashli said...

Wow, what a fun trip! Dancing, dinner, and old friends!

I love the little old man that you bought.

Wow, I could not stay on my diet around those parts... yummy!

Hope you have a fabulous trip, and you definitely look closer to 60 than 70 any day!
This year my belated present is a trip to Chucktown with my hubby for a long weekend. I can not wait, and we have reservations at two fancy new restaurants that have gotten rave reviews. I actually plan on having a praline AND a dessert while I am there!
(and running the bridge if I can!).

Anonymous said...

Wow---what a dazzling birthday celebration! You celebrate like I do, all week instead of just one day. Only next year I plan to celebrate all year b/c I will be 40.

Can't wait to read about your reunion fun. Be sure to get a pic of you and your hubby all "dolled" up!

linpoq said...

Happy Happy Birthday!!!!
Trip sounds wonderful!!! After going to our 50th last May, I suggest you take some Extra Strength Tylenol w/ you! We had a great time, stayed up later than we had in years, danced to the oldies for hours, and I didn't even get my afternoon rest! We reconnected w/ old friends and are doing a good job of staying in touch! Have fun and post pictures!