This is our Book Club book for November. Sooooo good I read it in one day. About a Chinese Woman and her daughter who emigrate from China to NYC. The mother, a former classical violinist is forced to take a job in a clothing factory (aka sweatshop) owned by her older sister who financed their trip. The daughter is the narrator who endures terrible living conditions and poverty and rises above them. My friend Rita's father had to flee Austria and his upper class life during the Holocaust and endured similar deprivations upon reaching New York. Man's inhumanity to man still shocks me. God giving strength and hope to the disenfranchised does not.
Being a school teacher myself, it was amazing the obstacles these ladies undertook daily to teach in a location where a two hour horse ride through mountains of snow were required to get to their school each morning. The community understood the value of their children being taught and made the school a primary focus in the wilderness where they lived.
Honolulu: a novel by Alan Brennert.
Tells the story of a picture bride that was brought to Honolulu from her impoverished home in China in 1914.I learned a lot about the history of Hawaii and the courage of these disenfranchised women.
I also read Maliki by Brennert which deals with the leprosy victims in Hawaii who were sequestered on that island for their lifetime.
Nothing Daunted sounds good. Did you get it from the town library? The others seem kind of like downers so I'll stay away from them :-)
I wish I had more time to read some great books. The HELP is stil on my list.
I have a post up about a certain artsy little protege of yours you may enjoy!
Donnamo got me to join the Literary Guild Reading Group in Hartsville. I have been reading books that I would have never read on my own. I just loved Molakai and liked Girl in Translation as well. Really enjoyed this blog
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