Monday, June 25, 2012


I've spent the last few days in Gloucester, Virginia visiting my brother and sister-in-law.  This part of Virginia was settled in the 1700's so it is historic and charming.
While out seeing some of the sights we saw "Bambi" and her baby strolling across the road.  The baby was very young with lots of spots.

 We went to Williamsburg to a play, Robin Hood, quite a rousing musical.
Carole's (L) sister Arden (R) flew in to join us.  She and I go way in childhood friends.  She lives in Illinois so we have only seen each other once since my wedding 46 years ago.  We all had a good time reminiscing about growing up in idyllic Bay Ridge, Maryland.  The serendipity is that six years ago my brother married his childhood sweetheart her sister and now we are family :)

Do you have any friends you wish were family?  or maybe family you wish were friends....he,he,he...?


linpoq said...

Gloucester, VA????
No call! No layover for a nite or two!
Seriously, sounds like a wonderful reunion w/ old friends and family visits are always a treat!

linpoq said...

Gloucester, VA????
No call! No layover for a nite or two!
Seriously, sounds like a wonderful reunion w/ old friends and family visits are always a treat!

Caroline said...

I love the way you have a lifetime of friendships and relationships that you have maintained! I'm not so much like that. Gabby is my only high school friend that I keep up with, except for a few that go to our church and a few I see around town occasionally.

My best friend is my sister-in-law, so we are friends AND family, and God has blessed me with some amazing friends through church.

Ashli said...

Fun, fun, fun! I also enjoyed our visit!