Okay I wrote all of this two days ago only to have Hubs NOT read my note not to TOUCH the computer while I was gone to have an MRI.......off it went into cyberspace....not to a CLOUD because Google notified me as I uploaded the pics for this blog that alas...I have used my gigabyte of free storage that Google gives everyone. Now I will be required to pay $2.49 a month for the rest of my life to keep up to 16 gigabytes of pictures and stuff on their cloud. Before I could enter my credit card number I noticed I had 10 minutes to get to the other side of town to the hospital. Then Hubs touched the computer and I am back to Square One. (I wonder who thought up that saying and what it originally meant...I could Goggle it but I am too lazy.)
I know you can't wait to hear what the genius idea was and who came up with it. Rest assured it was not moi and at the moment I am not even sure it was a genius idea. You may weigh in.
My BFF friend, Rita, went to Joanne's Fabrics and bought vinyl to line her kitchen and bathroom shelves with. The girl had just finished painting the kitchen, ceiling, walls, cabinets, shelves, top and bottom of shelves. She has lined them with vinyl before and she just throws them in the washer when they need cleaning.
So while others are buying gifts and deals on Black Friday, I have the fam drop me at Joanne's with a 50% coupon to buy vinyl to line my shelves that haven't been lines in so many years. I'm struck with wonder when they have a beautimus aqua vinyl (think restaurant booth material or pleather) that will be and now is dreamy with my newly painted aqua breakfast room and den.
For two or was it ten days I have been measuring and cutting the vinyl to fit my shelves. If you have a sewing cutting board and a rotary cutter it is a cinch. Rita's idea includes labeling the liners on the back with the name of where they go. I told you she was a genius; I wouldn't have thought of that until I'd washed them and was going crazy trying them in different cabinets.
And the only reason I am not sure this is a genius idea at the moment is because we just finished doing most of the cabinets and are exhausted. Tomorrow I am sure we will agree it was all worth it.
So here are the results: Well obviously not despite putting the $2.49 on my debit card....it won't load my pics. Ain't life in the technology age a bundle of fun.
Next blog I will tell you why I had an MRI and what they found when "I had my head examined!"
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