Wednesday, August 7, 2013

What Must You DO To Be Saved?

Good morning Grand Peeps!  
Hope y'all are enjoying your last days of summer vacation.
Today we are catching up with Paul and Barnabas in Acta 15.  They have traveled back to Antioch to see how the believers there are doing only to find some men calling themselves Christians  had come in and told the church at Antioch that all the men must be circumsized.  Google this word if you don't know what it means.

The real argument here is whether a non-Jew has to become a Jew before he can become a Christian.Hopefully you know that is not true.  To become a Christian All ANYONE has to do is

BELEIVE Jesus is God's Son
ACCEPT the fact you have sinned and need a Savior
Tell someone that you have done this
Be baptized

Still today people will try to add to those requirements.

that's it for today.....praying for each of you to have a good day and a godly day...for what good is a good day if it isn't a godly day  :).   nana

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