Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Royal Has Arrived

Princess Tompkins has arrived for an extended visit while her MaMa (short a's like the British please) goes to visit her human children in West Virginia and Washington, DC.

How do you like her snappy little padded pink carrier. Tres chic n'est pas?

Being a rather high maintenance, dare I say pooch, the lady-in-waiting packed all Princess might possibly need for her sojourn in the country. A hunting coat and a dress coat, three types of shampoo, two leashes, hair brush to use when blowing dry her beauteous long flowing hair, nail clippers in case of a split or chipped toe nail, two dozen packs of fillet Mignon wet food, and five pounds of dry food for snacks. She also brought a larger more spacious carrier should she feel the need a few moments to herself.
Our rather mundane dog, Scout, is very fascinated with Princess' accouterments. She perhaps wonders why we don't pack her coat and some Dawn lest she need a shampoo while visiting her city cousins in Darlington.
We have three more dogs coming for Christmas so it should be a jolly holiday for all. Especially my mother-in-law, she LOVES dogs.....especially those who jump up on her in a friendly greeting. She will be estatic! Me, too!

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