Thursday, November 11, 2010

Someone Stole My Blog Text

Well, girls.... I don't know who did it or how but the text to yesterday's blog is disappeared before publication...I had no idea until I read the comments and looked at the blog today!

It was really good and witty all I wrote!  Trust me on that.  But "I Can't Remember" (my new go to saying) what all I did write...... :(  But it was FUN...NEE!

Basically, I told you about all three dishes.  The chicken breasts, Mary, or was it Crews who wanted to know....  were supposed to be boneless and  skinless but being the Julia Childs of cooking that I am....I substituted what was in the freezer.    You cut a pocket in the breast (use the kind you have) mix up thawed and squeezed frozen chopped spinach with cheddar and Gorgonzola cheese (I didn't have the gorgonzola) and put it in the breast pocket.  (Sounds like part of a man's shirt :)  I secured the opening with two skewers (not in the directions).

Dunk those babies in egg whites (I used whole eggs) and then breadcrumbs mixed with Parmesan cheese and saute them in a little oil in an oven worthy fraying pan.  (Didn't have that either so used two different pans) Then put in oven at 350 for 20 minutes (make that an hour if you use bony breasts). 

Personally, I liked my hi fat version.....but you CAN go by the original recipe if you want the lo cal version.

I did lower the calories on the congealed salad by using sugar free Great Value raspberry jello with the crushed pineapple, apple, whole cranberry sauce (the secret ingredient that kicks this up a notch from normal congealed salad) and I added chopped pecans.  We also ate the whole thing in two meals which probably upped the calories from 85 per serving to 285.  I'm just saying.

The muffins were fresh grated ORGANIC (they were only 10 cents more a bag) carrot, Splenda, brown sugar (which Splenda now has....Yee Haw) Flax seed (my idea) 1 stick butter (I used oleo) and 1 cup whole wheat flour.  Mix, bake at 350 for 25 minutes and try to restrain yourself to two at 85 calories (or so) a piece.  O yeah, put some ginger, Cinnamon and allspice in when you mix them.

Well, hubs and I have really been busy OUTSIDE and I will have many things to SHOW and TELL when I get them all photographed.  So stay tuned to W-D-O-N-N-A-M-O......the cook who has lost text. :)

1 comment:

linpoq said...

Lordy, all that sounds so labor intensive!!! Sounds like a rainy winter day job for me! Thanks for recipes.