Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Someone's in the Kitchen.....Donnamo

 A recent trip to my good friend Sallie's in the mountains of South west Virginia inspired me to start cooking again.  Most of you know I gave over the cooking to Hubs twenty years ago....after twenty-five years of cooking myself


Ashli said...

Wow, that looks good. What in the heck is that last thing? Turkey stuffed with spinach? Yum. We are gonna have to creatively create me a low carb side at T-day. Maybe steamed broccoli? Bay Ridge beans?

Just wanted to give you something to cut your culinary teeth on! Love you!

Anonymous said...

What, no captions? What am I looking at? Whatever it is, it looks delicious! Next time share your recipes :-)

linpoq said...

Whoa!! There is something strange in the water down there!! Who are you and what did you do w/ my Donnamo????
I want the recipe for whatever is stuffed w/ spinach.
Yesterday I tried new recipe: Spice-rubbed Cornish hens w/ sweet onions and rice ~ Mm-m-m!

Atir said...

They look yummy, yummy, yummy. Cant wait to try some of your delicious cooking.
