Friday, July 24, 2009

Audrey III

This is our lovely plant Audrey III. Make no mistake it is ONE plant. Our son came over to pick tomatoes and cucumbers while we were in Texas and said, "What the heck is that thing in the garden.....the world's largest squash plant?
See her reaching for the grass in our hereto for English Garden. What a plant! I had never seen Little of Horrors but I knew it involved a plant named Audrey. So I checked out the video from our local library. Steve Martin, John Belushi, John Candy...... and great 60's style music. What was not to like.....uh, besides Audrey II.
Fortunately Audrey III is a pumpkin plant! We hope that all the foliage and blooms and no pumpkins as yet does NOT mean the seeds were planted on "bloom days." (Old folk lore has it if you plant on bloom days.....that's what you fruit.) Should a pumpkin appear you will read about it here first.....then the National Inquirer.

Evidently the watermelon were planted on the right day.....we have several expanding in the garden as I write. We may have to hack Audrey back if she encroaches on the watermelons. A certain Gabby girl and her daddy are BIG watermelon lovers.

I did get invited to our neighbors to pick peas Wednesday night. I came home and shelled them remembering all the FUN times our family had sitting around shelling. Tonight we ate those suckers with piles of fresh sliced (and peeled) home grown tomatoes and a few okra on top to round out the feast.
What summer vegetable to you love the most and how do you like it prepared?

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