Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Princess' Play Date

This cute little girl is named Princess. My friend Rita rescued her when her owner could no longer take care of her. Hubs is going to take care of her while Rita and I go on a house sit to my friend Sallie's in the Virginia Mountains. Sallie has one wonderful dog, Wally, and two sweet more pets needed.
This is as close as I could get Scout and Princess when I had my camera available. They coexisted during the visit. Scout tried to get Princess to join in a game of soccer but she wasn't interested. Maybe when she comes for five days she will join in. I hope so.

While Scout and I were napping on the couch, Princess joined in, napping on the back of the couch. So maybe they'll be napping buddies!
Has your pet ever had a play date? How did it go?


Anonymous said...

So that's where you're going this weekend! Princess is really pretty.

Whiskers actually had his first encounter with another pet recently. One of the hunting dogs had puppies a few weeks ago and last week George brought one of the puppies inside for Whiskers to look at. I thought he would be afraid but he wasn't. He sniffed the pup but didn't have too much interest in him.

I'll have to post pics of our puppies soon!

Ashli said...

Cooper enjoys playing with any and every pet he has ever met. Unfortunately, not many pets want to be his friend. :(
He has a great self esteem anyway, he never seems to take it personally when they growl, bark, hide, or hiss at him.
Have fun in the mountains!