Friday, August 20, 2010

Be Careful What You Wish For!

Well, I've been missing that water view from Bay I get up and hear this noise like a washing machine and wonder What Is That? I trace it to the return of the heat pump.....not good.
Then I look out on Lake Donnadale (This was taken after it receeded a tiny bit.)
The last time this happened it was Hurricane SumSumpin. I hoped never to witness this again. Last time we had to rent a pump and pump the water out from under our house......we haven't looked under there yet today.
Hubs just went out to open the ditch between our house and his mothers house.
If you are looking for a house "on the water" we've got just the place.
Has your house or yard ever been flooded?
I do think about (and pray more fervently for) the Pakistani's who have been flooded. I cannot imagine a house full of water and mud.)

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