Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Little of This and A Little of That

 My youngest grandchild, Gates, graduated from Kindergarten today.  He said some of the parents were crying and that he almost cried seeing the pictures of his friends from slide show.  He has been with these kids since 2K and will probably not go to school with any of them next year.  He was telling me how he would miss his best buddy, Drew.  I said, "You will see him Monday, at daycare."
"No," he solemnly told me," I'll be in first grade Monday!"  I guess all this talk about first grade had him convinced it was happening right away.
I got this darling little camper bird house in the mail today from a friend from high school.  How cute is that!  Truthfully, I am not over my glamper desire.  I still look wistfully at EBay and read a couple glamper blogs....and while driving my eyes are scanning for an old camper tucked away behind a house.  I'm really sorry I gave my glamper away now.   (Can you tell?)

Have you ever given away something and later were sorry?

I'm hoping for comments here people....that is why I'm not blogging much any response.  Is it time for me to take this blog down?
Reply here.


linpoq said...

OK! OK! I'll do a better job responding!!! Please don't go away!!!
Handsome guy, that Gates! AND... you know how much I love his name! too!

Ashli said...

I am a notorious cleaner upper like my MOM. I have many times let go of some things my family later regretted me "cleaning out" later.
I don't like clutter, so that makes it hard.

I hope you keep blogging. Mr. Gates is adorable as usual. AND I have a elementary school graduate this year which is making me want to cry!